Saturday, September 27, 2008

Try to use "Insert Code for Windows Live Writer" for Live Writer

If you use Live Writer to post articles onto blogspot, you now can use "Insert Code for Windows Live Writer" plug-in for Live Writer. It's more convenient comparing to web page code formatter.

    public partial class Window1 : Window
public class InnerObject
public InnerObject()
Debug.WriteLine("InnerObject() ctor.");

public class Foo
private int field = 99;
private InnerObject innerObject = new InnerObject();

public Foo()

public Foo(int a)

public Window1()

Foo foo1 = new Foo();
Foo foo2 = new Foo(12);

Try to use Live Writer

Live writer is a cool tool for you to writer blog posts. I've never used it before. A friend of mine told me that Live Writer can do that. I was so exciting because I was searching for such kind of software for a long time.

Cool indeed!